Wednesday, July 1, 2009

IT syndrome: symptoms and recovery for sedentary work and RSI

Many people in the IT profession suffer from unhealthy weight, back pain, neck pain, or stomach pain. Too many of us don't make time to exercise regularly, and we compound the problem by not eating healthy food. The stress and rigors of IT and spending endless hours in a seated position crouched over a computer can make the situation particular difficult to remedy.

Quick disclaimer: I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. Consult a physician before changing your exercise routine or diet.

For those suffering any or all of these symptoms, here is some advice:

First, consider both priorities and resources. That is, the goals you want to achieve and the means you have to achieve them.

Questions to ask yourself regarding priorities:

  • Do I need and want this job?
  • What will happen if I keep working like this?
  • How much money can/will I spend to improve the situation?
  • How much would it cost me in the long run not to address the problems I'm facing?
  • Am I willing to enlist friends/others to help?
  • Who can help me, professionally and otherwise?
  • What times of the day are the most under my control?

Specific ideas for using your resources:

  • Blog/twitter to all your friends that you are changing your lifestyle significantly to become healthier; ask for their support and to hold you accountable.
  • Visit a doctor for ~$25 co-pay to generate ideas.
  • Visit a personal trainer for ~$100 to generate additional ideas.
  • Have time to exercise in the morning or evening? Walk 2 miles or swim for 30 minutes every day, or workout on an elliptical trainer or treadmill for an hour twice a week.
  • Do a cardiovascular workout during lunch at your company or close-by gym or hotel; arrange for showers in remote location if necessary; working out will decrease the amount of sleep and food you crave/desire.
  • Get a core exercise ball for ~$8 and sit 10-20 minutes of every hour on it at work:
  • Or upgrade to a Swopper office chair for ~$800:
  • Increase raw green vegetables, lean meat, tofu/beans, non-wheat whole grains, raw fruit.
  • Eliminate/reduce sugar/fructose in all forms, fried food, caffeine, aspartame, soda, refined flour, wheat, spicy food, tomatoes, juice, citrus, ibuprofen and other drugs.
  • Take a food allergy test for ~$500; this alone may completely solve a weight problem.
  • Take a thyroid test; this also affects metabolism.
  • For neck and back pain, visit a massage therapist, physical therapist, Rolfer, or yoga therapist. Students working in these fields at internships in their schools are usually cheaper than experienced professionals, although experience tends to improve treatment ability.
  • Thailand and other countries with relatively inexpensive labor costs offer massage for very affordable rates and can be good choices for rejuvenating vacations.

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Copyright 2011 by William Cain